Call for papers 3rd Workshop on Interoperability and Open-Source Solutions for the Internet of Things (InterOSS-IoT 2018 http://www.inteross.org/)
(in conjunction with Global IoT Summit 2018 http://www.globaliotsummit.org/).
The workshop is organized by H2020 projects, symbIoTe and BIG IoT, which are part of the European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI).
Following the success of the previous two editions, the “3rd Workshop on Interoperability and Open-Source Solutions for the Internet of Things (InterOSS-IoT)” focuses on exploring the potential of interoperable IoT platform technology to facilitate and enhance the creation of complex systems and associated open source technology and open protocols.
The workshop addresses current challenges in the IoT domain and promotes uptake by the industry from emerging open source solutions and best practices from IoT deployment experiences. Organized as a scientific event, workshop’s objective is to foster the exchange of practical experiences within the IoT community as well as contribute to create new ideas around open issues and gaps on Internet of Things platforms interoperability, architectural principles, standardization efforts, and deployment experiences.
We invite authors to submit scientific papers reporting advance in the state of the art and practical experiences on interoperable IoT solutions, solutions relying on open-source software as well as emerging concepts and visionary papers.
Topics of interest include (not limited to):
- IoT Principles, Design, and Technology
--- Interoperability solutions for IoT systems and platforms
--- Standardisation efforts related to IoT solutions and Applications
--- Key concepts for interoperable IoT architectures
--- Semantic models for the IoT Platforms Data Exchange
--- Security, privacy and trust for IoT Devices and Platforms
--- IoT device Data Mash-Ups and platforms Orchestration
--- Solutions for IoT platform federations and interworking
--- Distributed ledger technology for interoperable IoT ecosystems
- IoT Experiments, Practice and Applications
--- IoT applications and real-life deployments, e.g., in Smart Cities, Healthcare, Industrial IoT, Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles
--- Experiences from real industrial IoT deployments
--- Recent advances in open source IoT platforms and tools
--- Experimentally-driven Internet of Things experience
--- Business perspectives on IoT ecosystem creation
--- Business models and marketplaces
Paper Submission Guidelines
All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages, see conference site for further instructions. Papers must be submitted through EDAS.
Submit HERE
Also, Check the page for more on submission.
“IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.”
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline (new): March 27, 2018
Paper notification: April 25, 2018
Camera-ready papers due: May 10, 2018
Authors of accepted papers must register for the workshop through the conference registration page. The registration for GIoTS is a single package that includes both the main conference and workshop sessions (there is no reduced registration fee to attend just the workshop).