The work programme is now published. Here are relevant links when preparing proposals:
- The expected impacts need to be aligned to the policy and strategic plan:
- Work Programme for Cluster 4 Digital Industry and Space available here:
Information days and brokerage events:
- Information days Cluster 4, no registration needed: https://www.horizon-europe-
infodays2021.eu/event/cluster- 4-digital-industry-space - Brokerage, registration needed, be proactive and expand your knowledge and network:
- Industry 22 June link : https://events.b2match.com/
events/cluster4industry - Digital 24-25 June link: https://www.ideal-ist.eu/
event/horizon-europe-digital- face2face-brokerage - Space 28 June link: https://events.b2match.com/
events/cosmos2020plus-heu- cluster4-space-brokerage
- Industry 22 June link : https://events.b2match.com/
- Evaluation Criteria, templates and guides available here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/
funding-tenders/opportunities/ portal/screen/how-to- participate/reference- documents;programCode=HORIZON
- EC webinars available here:
- How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (24 March 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/research/
participants/docs/h2020- funding-guide/other/ event210324.htm - How to prepare a succesful innovation and procurement proposal for Horizon Europe 22 June 2021: https://ec.europa.eu/research/
participants/docs/h2020- funding-guide/other/ event210622.htm
- How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (24 March 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/research/