The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Robotics Association (euRobotics) are publishing an initial version of a joint Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for an AI partnership in Europe on the 6th June in Brussels. This is in response to the Commission Communication on AI published in December 2018 (https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/coordinated-plan-artificial-intelligence) and follows the publication of our joint Vision Paper in March 2019 (available in available at the euRobotics and BDVA websites).
Europe has a strong and growing economy in the areas of robotics and big data. Integrated value chains together with a combination of key enabling technologies has the power to transform the economy as well as society. No single initiative, no single country, no single company, or market segment can address this vision alone. A network of stakeholders is needed. Driven by BDVA and euRobotics we have set up activities to formulate a vision and a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
To inform you about this, to establish with you a collaborative, trustful and open relationship to achieve a competitive AI in Europe we want to invite you to this event to share our vision and join forces. This is about bringing stakeholders together around data, robotics, IoT, 5G, cybersecurity, the economy and society to build successful, deployable AI in Europe.
Let us inform each other, let’s discuss between ourselves and let’s start the next joint steps towards delivering AI in Europe.
The event takes place on 6 June 2019, 11:00-14:30 at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel
The event is free but registration is mandatory. Register here.