This 7 June, from 2-3pm, you are invited to attend a special webinar to celebrate the Launch of CISOs European Community (CEC) and take part in the discussion on CISOs priorities and challenges.

On this occasion, ECSO will invite CISOs, in particular users, operators, strategic large companies, for a roundtable discussion on the findings of the recently published document “Survey Analysis Report: CISOs Priorities & Challenges”. The report is the direct result of a survey that ECSO ran online targeting CISOs and gathering more than 100 responses. It provides a full sector-by-sector analysis – covering more than 9 verticals – as well as a set of cross-sector recommendations.

What are the challenges CISOs encounter? What are their limitations? How do CISOs perceive and prioritise cyber-threats? What roles and responsibilities do CISOs hold inside their companies? How do CISOs approach certification in cybersecurity?

Join the discussion on 7th June, bring your insights on these important questions, and take part in the launch of our CISO community.


Today, CISOs across the EU and sectors call for the creation of a network of European CISOs that would operate across sectors and across borders, coordinated by a neutral European entity.

Together with the help of its growing CISO community,  ECSO is now ready and proud to announce the creation of such a network. The CISOs European Community (CEC) will officially be launched on the occasion of this webinar and will be promptly followed by a call to the wide European CISO community to join the Community.


ECSO's CISOs European Community creates a cross-sector and cross border network as part of a well-established and institutionally recognised Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership at the European level with strong ties to public and private sectors across the ECC Community.

The CEC will allow CISOs to:
NETWORK – The Community offers regular opportunities to expand your professional network with several events and meetings on relevant issues.

SHARE in a TRUSTED environment – The Community facilitates information and strategic cyber threat intelligence sharing among CISOs supported by a dedicated secure platform.

EXCHANGE – The Community offers the possibility to exchange lessons learned and best practices.

BE HEARD – The Community develops concrete recommendations addressed to both company management and political/legislative institutions at the national and European level as well as establishes strategic partnerships with European bodies/agencies such as ISACs, ENISA, etc.


Establishing trust and confidentiality are the most important ingredients for a successful CISO Community. It is with this in mind that the CEC will apply the “amber” protocol as defined in the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP). As complementary information, the CEC will be part of the larger “Cyber Resilience of Economy, Infrastructure, and Services – CREIS” established by ECSO that also contains the Community of Verticals, applying the “green” protocol, and the “CISOs Strategic Committee (CSC)” applying the “red” protocol for strategic intelligence sharing among CISOs from Users and Operators of Essential Services (OES).

For more information on the CEC or the other entities part of CREIS, or if you are a CISO (or C-level equivalent) interested in becoming part of the CEC, do not hesitate to reach out to the ECSO Secretariat at [email protected].


Date: 07/06/2021, 14:00 - 15:00

Location: Online

More details: here

Add to Calendar 2021-06-07 14:00:00 2021-06-07 15:00:00 WEBINAR - ECSO launches CISOs European Community & Discussion on priorities and challenges <p><b>This 7 June, from 2-3pm, you are invited to attend a special webinar</b> to celebrate the <b>Launch of CISOs European Community (CEC)</b> and take part in the discussion on CISOs priorities and challenges.</p> Ideal-ist Europe/Chisinau public

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