MAX webinar HPC libraries
MAX webinar HPC libraries

The Webinar will provide an accurate overview of the HPC libraries developed at CSCS in order to accelerate electronic structure code such as CP2K and Quantum ESPRESSO. These libraries are (1) DBCSR, (2) COSMA, (3) SpFFT and (4) SIRIUS).

Who should attend

Developers and advanced users of electronic structure codes for whom HPC matters.

Key Takeaways

If you have a large sparse or dense matrix-matrix multiplication problem, a large 3D FFT problem, or you are working on a GPU acceleration of a plane-wave DFT code, we will be happy to collaborate.

Date: 24/06/2020, 11:00 - 12:05

Location: Online

More details: here

Add to Calendar 2020-06-24 11:00:00 2020-06-24 12:05:00 HPC libraries for CP2K and other electronic structure codes <p>The Webinar will provide an accurate overview of the HPC libraries developed at CSCS in order to accelerate electronic structure code such as CP2K and Quantum ESPRESSO. These libraries are (1) DBCSR, (2) COSMA, (3) SpFFT and (4) SIRIUS).</p> <p><strong>Who should attend</strong></p> Ideal-ist Europe/Chisinau public

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