Ideal-ist Proposal Check Event for ICT related calls in Horizon2020 (2015)

Ideal-ist is offering an event for assuring and improving the quality of project proposals on 24th March 2015 09:00-17:00 in Warsaw.The aim of this Proposal Check Event for ICT related calls in H2020 in 2015 is to
increase the chances for funding and to transfer useful knowledge to the proposers. Projects which
reinforce the cooperation across the enlarged European Union and strengthen the integration of the European research area in ICT are of special interest.
Interested proposers present their almost finished proposals for ICT related calls (see the list below) and receive qualified feedback by experienced evaluators immediately during the session. Hereby, a dedicated counselling session consists of the evaluators reading the proposal, the proposers shortly presenting their project and an ensuing feedback round. To ensure confidentiality, all participating experts will have signed respective
There will be the possibility for receiving additional consulting by experienced NCP staff.
Selection of participants
Applications will be fed into a quality assurance process. Therein, proposers will be contacted three weeks before the event to assess the degree of completion of their proposals. Short-listed candidates will be invited based on the available places.
Who can attend?
The event will support proposals for ICT related calls under H2020 in 2015, especially those of addressing the cooperation across the enlarged European Union. Admission is possible for the coordinator (i.e. one person, mandatory) plus one representative from a project partner institution (i.e. one optional person). In exceptional cases, the coordinator may name a proxy to attend.
The evaluators on-site do not check a correct assignment to the call. Therefore it is strongly recommended that the proposers have an abstract of their proposal checked by the corresponding NCP.
The entire offer is free of charge.

(Online registration will be open on 18.02.2015)
Applications will be submitted via the online registration platform by the coordinators, also denoting the second participant.

For further questions, please contact your NCP or send an e-mail to the address below:
[email protected] 

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