DESCA version 3.0 online

DESCA core group is proud to announce that DESCA version 3.0 has been published on April 15th, 2011, including a revamp of the DESCA website.
After our stakeholder consultation in summer 2010 and the DESCA open consultation meeting in Brussels on September 23, 2010 the DESCA core group is proud to announce that DESCA version 3.0 has been published on April 15th, 2011, including a revamp of the DESCA website.
On the website you can find:
-DESCA 3.0 with elucidations
-DESCA 3.0 working document without elucidations
-Overview of modifications to DESCA 2.0
-DESCA report on the stakeholder consultation
..and much more information and supporting documents such as an expert paper on options for European-wide model agreements for contract and collaborative research.

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